One of the official recommendations for Corona-virus control and prevention is to stay at home as much as possible.
Here’s another advice for those who can: close the front door behind you and go out into nature, whether neighborhood green spaces, rural landscapes or nature reserves. #GoNature!
Being in contact with nature makes you happy, reduces your stress, strengthens your immune system, fills your lungs with clean air, and gives you vitamin D via exposure to sunlight.
Go for a walk, enjoy the budding nature, go on a power walk, take a “forest bath”, breathe in the sea air, try to discover a “sacred place”. Find the silence, reflect, meditate, or play games. Just avoid crowds and comply with all official recommendations from governments and the World Health Organisation.
So, looking for the healthiest way to isolate yourself and still to be connected? #GoNature! But, keep a distance of at least 1,5 meter from each other.
Share your #GoNature experiences with other people via social media. We all long for positive news.
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